Bouwvergunningen: residentiële en niet-residentiële gebouwen
2018-06 |
961,837 enterprises in July
2018-07 |
The unemployment rate goes down to 6.1 % in the second quarter of 2018
q-2018-02 |
Packaging waste
2016 |
There were 941,991 VAT-registered enterprises in Belgium on 31st December 2017
2017 |
Agricultural prices in August
2018-08 |
Labor cost survey (Vierjaarlijkse enquête naar de arbeidskosten)
2016 |
Harmonised index of consumer prices - September 2018
2018-09 |
Indices of hours worked: Second quarter 2018
q-2018-02 |
Health suffers from poverty
2017 |
Production in construction: August 2018
2018-08 |
Highest labour costs in the energy sector
2016 |
Survey on holidays and travels 2017
2017 |
Production per product code and main activity (Prodcom)
2018/01-07 |
Commuting to Brussels pays off
2016 |
Slight decrease in sales in August
2018-08 |
Key figures 2018
2018 |
20th October: European Statistics Day
- |
The life of women and men in Europe - 2018 edition
2018 |
20th october : European Statistics Day
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More and more hybrid and electric passenger cars
2018 |
5.61 million of overnight stays in July 2018
2018-07 |
964.115 enterprises in August 2018
08-2018 |
September 2018: 897 bankruptcies
2018-09 |
Average income in Belgium reaches 17,824 euros
2016 |
2015 |
Index of Employees & persons employed: second quarter 2018
q-2018-02 |
Production in industry: August 2018
2018-08 |
1.099 tonnes fish landed in August
05-06-07-08-2018 |
Indices of wages and salaries: Second quarter 2018
q-2018-02 |
Inflation increases from 2.35% to 2.75%
2018-10 |
Industrial turnover index: August 2018
2018-08 |
Dairy production in June 2018
06-2018 |
September 2018 : Output price index +0 .5%
2018-09 |
966.216 ondernemingen in september 2018
2018-08 |
Production per product code and main activity (Prodcom)
2018-08 |
Survey on certain species of fruit trees 2017
2017 |