High-growth enterprises in the market sector

Strongest employment growth in administrative and support service activities

Strongest employment growth in administrative and support service activities

In 2021, there were 1,919 so-called high-growth enterprises in the sector of manufacturing and market services>[1]. A high-growth enterprise is an enterprise with more than 10 employees and an annual growth of this staff of more than 10 % over the last three years. The growth is adjusted for jobs from the takeover of other enterprises. This is an organic growth.

In 2021, these high-growth enterprises employed: 107,381 employees

The sectors with the highest number of high-growth enterprises are “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles” (364 enterprises), “Manufacturing” (230 enterprises), “Administrative and support service activities” (227 enterprises) and “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (219 enterprises).

The high-growth sectors with the most employees are “Administrative and support service activities” (25,278 employees), “Human health and social work activities” (16,539 employees) and “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles” (12,901 employees).


The year 2018 is marked by a methodological change with the complete introduction of the concept of enterprise based on the groups of enterprises. A full explanation is available on our documentation page.


[1] Manufacturing and market services excluding holding companies and excluding market organisations in the sectors of education / human health and social work activities / arts, entertainment and recreation / other service activities (Nace P-S).


High growth enterprises (growth by 10% or more) and related employment by NACE Rev. 2 (from 2021)

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The statistic on high-growth enterprises in the market sector provides information on the number and the total employment according to the activity. A high-growth enterprise is an enterprise with more than 10 employees in the reference year T which registers an average annual 10 % growth over the three following years. The growth is adjusted for jobs from the takeover of other enterprises during the three-years window. This is an organic growth.

An enterprise is considered to be a high-growth enterprise in the year T if the 3 following conditions are ALL fulfilled:

  • it is not a birth in the year T-3.
  • it has more than 10 employees in the year T-3. This threshold is used to avoid including very small companies with high growth from 2 to 5 employees for example.
  • this enterprise has a growth of more than 10 % over the period of 3 years. This is obtained by the following formula:

High-growth formula

It should be noted that the calculation of employment in T excludes employees from any takeover by the enterprise during the period [T-3 ;T]. So, when an acquisition is recorded over the period [T-3 ;T], we subtract from the number of employees in T the number of employees of the enterprise taken over at the time of the acquisition.


Nace rev.2 B to N, K and S95.