501 persons lost their lives on our roads in 2023

There were 36,855 road traffic accidents in 2023, bringing the total of casualties to 45,243, or just over 1.2 victims per accident. Among these casualties, 41,481 (92%) were slightly injured, 3,261 (7%) were seriously injured and 501 persons (1%) lost their lives within 30 days of the accident[1]. This is what emerged from the latest figures on road traffic accidents published by Statbel, the Belgian statistical office.
Compared to the previous year, both the number of accidents and victims decreased by 2% in 2023. This decrease is more pronounced for deaths within 30 days (-7.2%) and the seriously injured (-4.5%), after two consecutive years of increase. The number of slightly injured people decreased by 1.6%.
Per region
In Brussels and Flanders, we see respective decreases of 9.5% and 2.2%. The number of accidents in Wallonia rose by 1.1%. At provincial level, the sharpest decreases were recorded in East Flanders (-6.7%), in Liège (-4.7%) and in West Flanders (-4.3%), while we see the most significant increase (+12.8%) in Walloon Brabant.
Per type of road, Brussels-Capital registers a decrease of 33% of accidents on motorways compared to the previous year, as well as decreases of 8% and 10% on municipal and regional roads. In Flanders, we see an increase of 3% on motorways, offset by decreases of 2% to 3% on the other types of road. In Wallonia, while the number of accidents on municipal and regional roads remains stable or is slightly down, we see an increase of 2.6% on motorways.
The number of people who died within 30 days of an accident was divided by 4 in the Brussels-Capital Region, from 24 in 2022 to 6 in 2023. In Flanders, there were 270 deaths in 2023, i.e. 12 fewer than in the previous year, while in Wallonia, that figure went from 234 in 2022 to 225 in 2023.
Who are the victims of road traffic accidents?
In 2023, the majority of persons who died within 30 days were drivers (212), followed by cyclists (101), pedestrians (77) and motorcyclists (51). The sum of these 4 categories account for 88% of the people who died within 30 days.
Compared to 2022, the number of motorcyclists who died within 30 days has decreased by 22.7% (from 66 in 2022 to 51 in 2023). We also see a decrease of 7.2% among pedestrians (from 83 in 2022 to 77 in 2023) and of 2.3% for car drivers and passengers (from 217 in 2022 to 212 in 2023).
[1]Death 30 days: any person who died on the scene or within 30 days after the accident.
Purpose and short description
Statbel has been compiling statistics on road accidents since 1 July 1926. These statistics are based on a form that must be completed by the police services in the event of any accident on the road claiming casualties. Over time, this form has been adapted several times according to the evolution of society and road phenomena.
Survey population
Road traffic accidents with personal injury in Belgium which resulted in a police report.
Data collection method and sample size
Administrative data : on-site police records and investigation by prosecutors.
Release calendar
Availability of results: 6 months after the reference period.
Accident: an accident between two or more road users is considered as one accident. Only accidents on public roads and claiming casualties are included in these statistics. Are therefore excluded: collisions and accidents on private property or at sports events. Accidents with material damage only are no longer included since 1973.
Death 30 days: any person who died on the scene or within 30 days after the accident.
Serious casualty: any person injured in a road accident whose condition requires hospitalisation of more than 24 hours.
Light casualty: any person injured in a road accident who is not classified under fatal or serious casualty.
Car: passenger cars; twin-purpose cars; minibuses; camping vehicles.
Van: van
Truck: truck, tractor + semi-trailers; tractor alone.
Bus: bus; coach.
Moped: moped A (two wheels), moped B (two wheels), moped with 3 or 4 wheels.
Motorcycle: motorcycle not exceeding 400 cc, motorcycle exceeding 400 cc.
Bicyle: bicycle
Pedestrian:disabled person in a wheelchair; pedestrian with a two-wheeled vehicle; other pedestrian.
Other: agricultural tractor; trolleybus; rider; carriage; other user; unknown, unavailable.
Quality of the figures: Death data are the most reliable and stable data. Indeed, it is more than likely that a fatal accident will be the subject of police or prosecutorial intervention. Data on light casualties are most likely underestimated, especially for vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists). Belgian and international studies estimate the police registration rate at 90% for fatal accidents (data from prosecutors, however, allow us to improve these results). It is around 50% for casualties requiring hospitalisation and less than 20% for very light casualties (not requiring hospitalisation).
Data from 2005 to 2017 have been revised by police services. Statbel updated its road accident data in June 2018. There is a large number of unknown data for some important variables (municipality, road conditions, and weather conditions, among others) between 2005 and 2017. It is less a problem for the most recent years. The most recent release always prevails.