Economic indicators of the environmental sector

There were 1,700 companies operating in the environmental sector in 2021

There were 1,700 companies operating in the environmental sector in 2021

In 2021, 1,703 specialised enterprises were active in the environmental sector[1] , employing a total of 18,004 persons.

The turnover and added value in the environmental sector amounted to 8.3 billion and 2.6 billion euros, respectively. The total of the purchases of goods and services reached 5.8 billion euros, while gross investments in tangible goods accounted for 1.1 billion euros.

[1] The environmental sector consists mainly of specialised enterprises whose main activity is the production of environmental protection services, whether they belong to private or public producers and whether they operate on or off market. EPEA definition (Eurostat) of “Specialised producers”.


Economic indicators of the environmental sector (2018-2021)

Total environmental sector 2018 2019 2020 2021
Enterprises subject to VAT Number 1,556 1,593 1,631 1,703
Births of enterprises Number 110 129 130 143
Deletions of enterprises Number 72 77 70 93
Turnover million EUR 6,052 6,246 6,753 8,321
Total of the purchases of goods and services million EUR 4,004 4,247 4,502 5,772
Value added million EUR 2,101 2,012 2,225 2,606
Gross investment in tangible goods million EUR 935 834 891 1,096
Number of persons employed Number 17,709 18,325 18,079 18,004
The environmental sector consists mainly of specialised enterprises whose main activity is the production of environmental protection services, whether they belong to private or public producers and whether they operate on or off market. EPEA definition (Eurostat) of “Specialised producers” Note: Nace codes used (37 + 38 + 39)
DBRIS change in the VAT universes from 2019 onwards
Weighted figures

Doel en korte beschrijving

De milieusector bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit gespecialiseerde ondernemingen die als hoofdactiviteit de productie van diensten voor de bescherming van het milieu hebben, ongeacht of ze behoren tot privé- of openbare producenten en of ze marktactiviteiten of activiteiten buiten de markt uitvoeren. Definitie EPEA (Eurostat) van "Specialised producers".


NACE rev 1 : 2003-2007 (Nace= 14.50+23.30+24.15+37+51.57+90) Sinds 2008, de volgende Nace Rev. 2 worden gebruikt 37 + 38 + 39 + 46.77




Economische activiteit (NACE-BEL) : Officiële nomenclatuur met een 'X' op het einde van het nummer daar de informatie slechts 4 posities is.

Milieusector (eco-ondernemingen) : Omzetcijfer, totale aankopen van goederen en diensten, bruto-investeringen in gemeenschappelijke goederen en aantal werkzame personen.


Leefmilieu en economie.pdf