Family names

Peeters, Janssens and Maes are the most common family names in Belgium

Peeters, Janssens and Maes are the most common family names in Belgium

Names such as Peeters, Janssens and Maes are still the most important ones in the top 10,000 family names on 01/01/2024 in Belgium.

30,558 people bear the name Peeters, 27,927 the name Janssens and 24,233 the name Maes.

This top 3 is the same in Flanders. In Wallonia, the 3 most common family names are Dubois, Lambert and Martin, and in the Brussels-Capital Region Diallo, Bah and Barry.

Compared to 2023, the top 10 family names at national level and in the Walloon Region remains unchanged.

In the Flemish Region, the Willems took over from the Mertens, finishing in a very respectable 5th place. As for the name Mertens, it has dropped one place to 6th. The rest of the ranking remains unchanged from 2023.

The Brussels-Capital Region has seen the most changes. Dubois outranks Janssens and Camara outranks Peeters. Dubois comes 6th, followed by Janssens, Camara and Peeters.

The results for 2023 are clear: there has been little change in the family name ranking, and the dominance of the names Peeters, Janssens and Maes is unquestionable.

The complete top 10:

Belgium # Evolution ranking 2024/2023
1 Peeters 30,558 -
2 Janssens 27,927 -
3 Maes 24,233 -
4 Jacobs 18,770 -
5 Mertens 17,619 -
6 Willems 17,455 -
7 Claes 15,515 -
8 Goossens 14,949 -
9 Wouters 14,731 -
10 De Smet 13,234 -
Flemish Region # Evolution ranking 2024/2023
1 Peeters 27,318 -
2 Janssens 24,403 -
3 Maes 21,190 -
4 Jacobs 16,184 -
5 Willems 14,552 +1
6 Mertens 14,547 -1
7 Claes 13,390 -
8 Wouters 13,187 -
9 Goossens 12,881 -
10 De Smet 11,935 -
Walloon Region # Evolution ranking 2024/2023
1 Dubois 9,055 -
2 Lambert 8,258 -
3 Martin 6,513 -
4 Dupont 6,096 -
5 Simon 5,946 -
6 Leclercq 5,749 -
7 Dumont 5,692 -
8 Laurent 5,379 -
9 Lejeune 5,277 -
10 Gérard 5,173 -
Brussels-Capital Region # Evolution ranking 2024/2023
1 Diallo 5,055 -
2 Bah 2,773 -
3 Barry 1,915 -
4 Sow 1,426 -
5 Nguyen 961 -
6 Dubois 786 +1
7 Janssens 778 -1
8 Camara 756 +1
9 Peeters 721 -1
10 Ahmed 706 -
Top 10

Most common family names in 2024 - Belgium and the Regions (top 10)

Belgium Brussels-Capital Region Flemish Region Walloon Region
1 Peeters 30,558 1 Diallo 5,055 1 Peeters 27,318 1 Dubois 9,055
2 Janssens 27,927 2 Bah 2,773 2 Janssens 24,403 2 Lambert 8,258
3 Maes 24,233 3 Barry 1,915 3 Maes 21,190 3 Martin 6,513
4 Jacobs 18,770 4 Sow 1,426 4 Jacobs 16,184 4 Dupont 6,096
5 Mertens 17,619 5 Nguyen 961 5 Willems 14,552 5 Simon 5,946
6 Willems 17,455 6 Dubois 786 6 Mertens 14,547 6 Leclercq 5,749
7 Claes 15,515 7 Janssens 778 7 Claes 13,390 7 Dumont 5,692
8 Goossens 14,949 8 Camara 756 8 Wouters 13,187 8 Laurent 5,379
9 Wouters 14,731 9 Peeters 721 9 Goossens 12,881 9 Lejeune 5,277
10 De Smet 13,234 10 Ahmed 706 10 De Smet 11,935 10 Gérard 5,173