58,000 more job vacancies in four years

Work & training
58,000 more job vacancies in four years

Job vacancy figures – first quarter 2018

The number of job vacancies has increased again in the first quarter 2018 : enterprises offered 140,690 job vacancies in the first quarter 2018 instead of 134,570 job vacancies in the fourth quarter 2017. The job vacancy rate has also increased from 3.37 % in the fourth quarter 2017 to 3.47% in the first quarter 2018. However, these results remain below the record level achieved in the third quarter 2017 with 142,650 job vacancies and a job vacancy rate of 3.58%.

Compared to previous years, the increase seems even greater: +0.85 percentage point compared to 2016 and +1.24 percentage point compared to 2014, with an increase of +42,910 job vacancies since the first quarter 2016 and +57,630 since the first quarter 2014.

In Brussels and in Flanders, the job vacancy rate remains higher than in Wallonia (3.39 % and 3.77% respectively, instead of 2.81% in Wallonia), which is the only region below the symbolic mark of 3%.