On 1 January 2024, Belgium had 11,763,650 inhabitants
On 1 January 2024, the legal population in Belgium[1] was 11,763,650 inhabitants. Between 1 January 2023 and 1 January 2024, the Belgian population has grown by 66,093 inhabitants, or by 0.57%. So the population growth was somewhat higher than the average of the last 10 years, which is 0.53%. This is what emerges from the official figures of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office.
The population growth in 2023 is the result of a positive international migration balance, whose impact on growth was reduced by the negative natural balance(-1,057). The war in Ukraine continues to have a positive impact on the international migration balance in 2023, although much less pronounced than in 2022. The statistical adjustment is limited[2] (+801).
Population development in Belgium
2023 was marked by a population growth of 0.57% or 66,093 inhabitants. The growth in 2023 is higher than the average of the last 10 years, i.e. 0.53%.
The natural balance, i.e. the difference between the number of births and deaths, was negative again in 2023 (-1,057). The natural balance has been on a downward trend for several years, so a negative natural balance seems to be becoming the new normal. A negative natural balance has resurfaced in 2020 (-13,111). That year was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which pushed up the number of deaths. Then, a negative natural balance was observed again in 2022 (-2,787). Before that we had to go back to the early ‘40s to find a negative natural balance again. However, the natural balance had been showing a declining trend for several years. This downward trend can be mainly explained by a declining trend in the number of births, but also by an upward trend in the number of deaths due to population ageing. 110,198 births and 111,255 deaths were registered in 2023.
The international migration balance, i.e. the difference between the number of immigrations and emigrations, was positive in 2023 (+66,349). A positive international migration balance is in line with expectations, but the balance is slightly more positive than the average of the last 10 years. This can be explained by a larger number of international immigrations[3] in 2023: 194,887 immigrations were recorded. The slightly higher number of immigrations can be partly explained by the consequences of the war in Ukraine, as 13,702 immigrants (7.0%) are of Ukrainian nationality. So the impact is still there, but is much smaller than last year, where 57,514 immigrants (24.6%) had the Ukrainian nationality. Furthermore, 128,538 international emigrations[4] were registered in 2023, which is also high. Again, people with the Ukrainian nationality play a major role. In 2020 and 2021, 0.3% and 0.2% of emigrants respectively had the Ukrainian nationality. This share increased to 4.6% in 2022 and 5.9% in 2023.
So the population growth in 2023 in Belgium is the result of a positive international migration balance, which offset the negative natural balance while still ensuring a population growth of 0.57% or 66,093 inhabitants.
Evolution of the population in the Flemish Region
Flanders registered in 2023 a population growth of 0.69% or 46,963 inhabitants (compared to an average of 0.60% over the last 10 years).
The natural balance was negative in 2023 (-2,332). 62,338 births and 64,670 deaths were recorded that year.
The international migration balance was positive in 2023 (+34,180). 94,715 immigrations and 60,535 emigrations were registered that year. Of the immigrants and emigrants, 8,249 and 5,062 respectively had the Ukrainian nationality.
At all geographical levels lower than Belgium, a third balance comes into play: the internal migration balance. This balance sums up the number of moves within Belgium. The internal migration balance, the difference between the number of people moving in and out of the Flemish Region, was positive in 2023 (+14,856). So there were more people moving from another region to Flanders (38,057) than people moving from Flanders to another region (23,201).
So the positive population growth in 2023 in the Flemish Region is the result of a positive internal migration balance and a very positive international migration balance, which offset the negative natural balance.
Population development in the Walloon Region
Wallonia registered in 2023 a population growth of 0.29% or 10,708 inhabitants (compared to an average of 0.33% over the last 10 years).
The natural balance was negative in 2023 (-4,129). 33,873 births and 38,002 deaths were recorded that year.
The international migration balance was positive in 2023 (+10,726). 44,006 immigrations and 33,280 emigrations were registered that year. Of the immigrants and emigrants, 2,417 and 1,625 respectively had the Ukrainian nationality.
The internal migration balance was positive (+3,896). So in 2023, there were more people moving from another region to Wallonia (24,548) than people moving from Wallonia to another region (20,652).
So the population growth in 2023 in Wallonia is the result of a positive internal migration balance and a positive international migration balance. These migration balances offset a negative natural balance.
Evolution of the population in the Brussels-Capital Region
In the Brussels-Capital Region, the year 2023 was marked by a population growth of 0.68% or 8,422 inhabitants (compared to an average of 0.73% over the last 10 years).
Brussels was the only region where the natural balance remained positive in 2023 (+5,404). 13,987 births and 8,583 deaths were recorded that year. Despite the still positive natural balance, a downward trend in that balance is also seen in Brussels. The decline here is also driven by a downward trend in the number of births.
The international migration balance was positive in 2023 (+21,443). 56,166 immigrations and 34,723 emigrations were registered that year. Of the immigrants and emigrants, 3,036 and 954 respectively had the Ukrainian nationality.
The internal migration balance was negative (-18,752). So in 2023, there were fewer people moving from another region to Brussels (25,023) than people moving from Brussels to another region (43,775).
So the population growth in the Brussels-Capital Region in 2023 is the result of a positive natural balance and a positive international migration balance. These balances offset a negative internal migration balance.
Population development in the provinces
The province with the highest growth in Belgium in 2023 was again Antwerp with a population growth of 0.81%. The four other provinces of the top 5 are all in the Flemish Region. Flemish Brabant ranks second (0.78%), followed by East Flanders (0.68%), Limburg (0.57%) and West Flanders (0.52%).
The five provinces registering the lowest growth rates are located in the Walloon Region. These provinces all register a positive population growth: Luxembourg (0.40%), Namur (0.33%), Liège (0.32%), Walloon Brabant (0.29%) and finally Hainaut (0.23%).
Population movement in 2023 in Belgium, the regions and the provinces
Place of residence | Population on 1 January 2023 | Natural balance | Internal migration balance | International migration balance | Statistical adjustment | Total growth | Population on 1 January 2024 |
Belgium | 11,697,557 | -1,057 | / | +66,349 | +801 | +66,093 | 11,763,650 |
Brussels-Capital Region | 1,241,175 | +5,404 | -18,752 | +21,443 | +327 | +8,422 | 1,249,597 |
Flemish Region | 6,774,807 | -2,332 | +14,856 | +34,180 | +259 | +46,963 | 6,821,770 |
Walloon Region | 3,681,575 | -4,129 | +3,896 | +10,726 | +215 | +10,708 | 3,692,283 |
German-speaking Community | 79,383 | -48 | -117 | +266 | -5 | +96 | 79,479 |
Province of Antwerp | 1,910,952 | +1,728 | +610 | +13,071 | +161 | +15,570 | 1,926,522 |
Province of Limburg | 895,030 | -862 | +1,170 | +4,700 | +60 | +5,068 | 900,098 |
Province of East Flanders | 1,561,316 | -762 | +4,741 | +6,639 | +68 | +10,686 | 1,572,002 |
Province of Flemish Brabant | 1,187,483 | +390 | +5,110 | +3,910 | -120 | +9,290 | 1,196,773 |
Province of West Flanders | 1,220,026 | -2,826 | +3,225 | +5,860 | +90 | +6,349 | 1,226,375 |
Province of Walloon Brabant | 412,934 | -265 | +1,032 | +466 | -37 | +1,196 | 414,130 |
Province of Hainaut | 1,356,895 | -2,278 | +2,903 | +2,378 | +176 | +3,179 | 1,360,074 |
Province of Liège | 1,115,518 | -1,051 | -403 | +4,884 | +90 | +3,520 | 1,119,038 |
Province of Luxembourg | 293,967 | +42 | -493 | +1,607 | +23 | +1,179 | 295,146 |
Province of Namur | 502,261 | -577 | +857 | +1,391 | -37 | +1,634 | 503,895 |
- The data come from the National Register. The official population figures do not take into account the waiting register of asylum seekers, which comprises people with an ongoing asylum application (Law of 24 May 1994 establishing a waiting register for foreigners who declare themselves refugees or who ask to be recognised as refugees). However, the figures published by Eurostat contain an estimate of people entered in the waiting register.
- A limited number of registrations in the National Register are late or incorrect. Therefore, the observed population growth (difference between the population on 1 January 2024 and 1 January 2023) is not 100% in line with the balance obtained based on births, deaths and migrations. The statistical adjustment this year amounts to +801 units at Belgian level. This is an indication that the data are of high quality.
- International immigration consists of three movements:
- classic international immigration,
- change of register ‘in’ (transfer from the waiting register to the aliens’ register) and
- re-registration (following an automatic deletion).
- International emigration consists of three movements:
- classic international emigration,
- change of register ‘out’ (transfer to the waiting register) and
- automatic deletion.
Place of residence | Population on 1st January 2023 | Natural balance | Internal migration balance | International migration balance | Statistical adjustment | Total growth | Population on 1st January 2024 |
Belgium | 11,697,557 | -1,057 | 0 | 66,349 | 801 | 66,093 | 11,763,650 |
Brussels-Capital Region | 1,241,175 | 5,404 | -18,752 | 21,443 | 327 | 8,422 | 1,249,597 |
Flemish Region | 6,774,807 | -2,332 | 14,856 | 34,180 | 259 | 46,963 | 6,821,770 |
Walloon Region | 3,681,575 | -4,129 | 3,896 | 10,726 | 215 | 10,708 | 3,692,283 |
German-speaking Community | 79,383 | -48 | -117 | 266 | -5 | 96 | 79,479 |
Place of residence | Population on 1st January 2023 | Natural balance | Internal migration balance | International migration balance | Statistical adjustment | Total growth | Population on 1st January 2024 |
Province of Antwerp | 1,910,952 | 1,728 | 610 | 13,071 | 161 | 15,570 | 1,926,522 |
Province of Limburg | 895,030 | -862 | 1,170 | 4,700 | 60 | 5,068 | 900,098 |
Province of East Flanders | 1,561,316 | -762 | 4,741 | 6,639 | 68 | 10,686 | 1,572,002 |
Province of Flemish Brabant | 1,187,483 | 390 | 5,110 | 3,910 | -120 | 9,290 | 1,196,773 |
Province of West Flanders | 1,220,026 | -2,826 | 3,225 | 5,860 | 90 | 6,349 | 1,226,375 |
Province of Walloon Brabant | 412,934 | -265 | 1,032 | 466 | -37 | 1,196 | 414,130 |
Province of Hainaut | 1,356,895 | -2,278 | 2,903 | 2,378 | 176 | 3,179 | 1,360,074 |
Province of Liège | 1,115,518 | -1,051 | -403 | 4,884 | 90 | 3,520 | 1,119,038 |
Province of Luxembourg | 293,967 | 42 | -493 | 1,607 | 23 | 1,179 | 295,146 |
Province of Namur | 502,261 | -577 | 857 | 1,391 | -37 | 1,634 | 503,895 |
Purpose and brief description
The population movement contains statistics that make it possible to explain the evolution of the residential population, as registered in the National Register of Natural Persons (RNPP).
These statistics concern the change in the residential population, as registered in the National Register of Natural Persons (RNPP), during one reference year. The Belgian population is composed of Belgians and non-Belgians admitted or authorised to settle or stay on the territory, but does not include non-Belgians who stay on the territory for less than 3 months, asylum seekers and non-Belgians in an irregular situation. (Law of 19 July 1991 and law of 1 February 1995)
The number of inhabitants evolves during the year following a number of events, also called “movements”. At Belgian level, the following movements are responsible for a change in the number of inhabitants: births, deaths, international migrations (both immigration and emigration) and changes of nationality. The same movements can also be identified at a lower geographical level, for example at municipal level. At this lower level, an additional movement can be examined: a change of residence in Belgium, which is also called an internal migration.
The changes in the residential population can be derived from the RNPP that is managed by the FPS Home Affairs. The RNPP is an information system and ensures the registration, the storage and the communication of people’s identification data. These data are collected by the municipalities (and the Immigration Office for some categories). The information in the National Register is organised in “information types (IT)”, i.e. the various parts of the legal information. The population movement is determined based on these information types. Statbel is authorised to receive every year some ITs from the National Register in order to fulfil its statistical mission. More information on the various information types in the RNPP is available on the website of the FPS Home Affairs, Directorate General for Institutions and Population.
More figures on international migration movements are available in the theme “migration” on Statbel’s website.
More figures on nationality changes are available in the theme “changes of nationality” on Statbel’s website.
Inwoners in België
Timing of publication
Results available 6 months after the reference period
Description of the various population movements
Natural balance
The natural balance of the population is calculated as the number of births minus the number of deaths recorded during a whole reference year. When the number of births is higher than the number of deaths, the natural balance is positive.
Information regarding the number of births can be derived from IT100, the place of birth. In order to determine the number of births during the reference year, the date of birth is taken into account. This date should be in the reference year concerned. The place of birth is also taken into account. The birth must have taken place in a Belgian municipality.
Information on the number of deaths is derived from IT150, place and date of death. In order to determine the number of deaths during the reference year, the date of death and the place where the person was registered at the time of death are taken into account. The death is only taken into account if the person was officially staying in a Belgian municipality (and therefore belonged to the residential population) at the time of death.
Internal migration Balance
The internal migration balance can only be calculated at sub-Belgian level. It concerns people who move out of a municipality to another municipality in Belgium. Such a move can at the same time include moves between arrondissements, provinces and even regions. When more people move in a municipality during the reference year than out of it, the internal migration balance is positive.
Information on the residence is available in the RNPP under IT001 municipality of residence and IT020 address of the main residence. In order to obtain the internal migration balance at municipal level, IT001 suffices to identify the moves between Belgian municipalities.
However, knowing the exact address allows for other applications: for example, the number of moves within the same municipality can be identified, which makes it possible to determine, among other things, the total number of moves in Belgium. In big cities, even moves between various sectors can eventually be identified. See metadata internal migration.
International Migration Balance
The international migration balance is calculated as the number of international immigrations minus the number of international emigrations that have taken place during the reference year. When the number of international immigrations is higher than that of international emigrations, the international migration balance is positive.
International immigration is composed of three distinct movements:
- International immigration, available since 1992: IT001, or the municipality of residence is used. A person is considered as an immigrant in Belgium if:
a. A registration in a Belgian municipality is available, where the previous registration under IT001 refers to a stay abroad, or;
b. This is the very first registration in a Belgian municipality that took place at a later date than the date of birth.
A person can immigrate to Belgium only once in the current year. This is why IT210, or the mention of the register, is also used to select the correct arrival date. - Re-registration, available since 1992: when a person has been automatically deleted, but later re-registers in a Belgian municipality, we speak of a re-registration. A person is considered as re-registered if:
a. A registration in a Belgian municipality is available, where the previous registration under IT001 refers to a deletion of the person, and;
b. A time component is also applicable: a person is only considered as deleted if a new registration in a Belgian municipality takes place after 1st March in the following year. If the deletion and re-registration are close to each other, the person is neither considered as deleted nor as re-registered. - Change of register (in), available since 2000: when an asylum seeker is recognized, he is transferred from the waiting register to the aliens' register. This information is available under IT210, mention of the register.
International emigration is also composed of three distinct movements:
- Emigration, available since 1992: IT001, or the municipality of residence is used. A person is considered as an emigrant when this person has been registered, during the reference year, as living abroad and where the previous registration under IT001 refers to a stay in a Belgian municipality.
- Automatic deletion, available since 1992: IT001, or the municipality of residence is used. A person is considered as automatically deleted when this person has been deleted during the reference year and where the previous registration under IT001 refers to a stay in a Belgian municipality. A time component is also taken into account: the person is only considered as deleted when this person has not been registered in a Belgian municipality before 1st March of the following year.
- Changes of register (out), available since 2010: IT210, or the mention of the register, is used. These are people who, during the year, are transferred from any register to the waiting register. These are usually people who are transferred from the aliens' register to the waiting register.
Statistical Adjustmensts
Ideally, the sum of the various balances should be equal to the change in the population size that we observe between the year Y and the year Y+1. In other words, the population on 1st January of year Y+1 is equal to the sum of the population on 1st January in year Y, the natural balance, the internal migration balance and the international migration balance during year Y.
However, in practice, this is rarely the case. The difference between both is calculated and is called the statistical adjustment. The statistical adjustment gives an indication of the quality for the population figures. The statistical adjustments are in the order of a thousand units. Out of a total of hundreds of thousands of registrations that determine the population movement throughout the year, this can be called a minimum error rate.
Changes of nationalities
The acquisition and granting of the Belgian nationality are complex legal matters. Statbel’s approach for the calculation of nationality changes is very simple: someone changes his/her nationality when his/her nationality as registered under IT031 of the RNPP changes.
Therefore, we only take into account the people for whom another nationality was already registered. Persons who acquire the Belgian nationality when no previous nationality has been registered are not included in these statistics.
This definition, although without any real legal content, covers a large number of legal categories from the Code of Belgian Nationality (naturalisation, acquisition by declaration, etc.). The condition of having a previous nationality means that a number of situations are not included in this statistic. This is largely the case, for example, when the Belgian nationality is granted based on the nationality of the father or the mother (Art. 8 of the Law of 4 December 2012 and previous laws). Usually, no previous nationality is registered in this case.
The nationality is registered in the National Register under “information type 031”. For more information about the acquisition of the nationality and the “information type 031”, please visit the websites of the FPS Home Affairs - Directorate General for Institutions and Population and of the FPS Justice.
Growth and index
The growth is the absolute change in the number of inhabitants. In other words, it is equal to the sum of the various balances, i.e. the natural balance, the internal migration balance and the international migration balance. A positive figure indicates a growth of the population, a negative figure refers to a decline in the population.
The index in year Y is calculated as follows: the growth in the reference year Y is divided by the population on 1st January in the year Y and multiplied by 100 (the population growth rate during the year Y). This figure is then added to 100. An index higher than 100 refers to a population growth, an index lower than 100 indicates a population decline. The farther the number is from 100, the sharper is the growth or decline of the population.