Tourist accommodations

3,774,964 overnight stays in September 2024 

3,774,964 overnight stays in September 2024 

The number of overnight stays spent in Belgian tourist accommodations amounted to 3,774,964 in September 2024. Most of these overnight stays were in:

  • Hotels (47%)
  • Holiday homes and apartments (20%)
  • Holiday parks (11%)

The number of overnight stays was 4% lower in September 2024[1] than in September 2023 (3,937,253).

In the Walloon Region, there were 742,451 overnight stays. This is an 8% decrease compared to September 2023.

In the Flemish Region, there were 2,433,698 overnight stays, which is a decrease of 4% compared to September 2023.

In the Brussels-Capital Region, there were 598,815 overnight stays. This is a 1% decrease compared to September 2023.

[1] When interpreting the evolution between the same months of two consecutive years, it is important to take into account the differences in the number of holidays, school holidays or weekends between these two months.

In addition, from the 2022-2023 school year and following the reform of school rhythms in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, holidays in French-speaking education no longer necessarily coincide with those in Dutch-speaking education.

Overnight stays-countries

Overnight stays in 2023 by region and most common countries of origin (a)

REGION Belgium Flemish Region Walloon Region Brussels-Capital Region
Total 44,696,602 28,042,853 9,526,626 7,127,123
Belgium 23,102,177 15,981,626 5,462,957 1,657,594
Non-residents 21,014,387 11,665,557 3,997,674 5,351,156
The Netherlands 6,151,999 3,858,758 2,016,899 276,342
Germany 3,170,497 2,149,957 506,532 514,008
France 2,715,449 1,270,581 631,876 812,992
United Kingdom 1,810,659 1,129,172 170,365 511,122
United States 958,495 437,740 52,698 468,057
Spain 785,861 313,053 46,997 425,811
Italy 624,004 240,393 82,689 300,922
Other 4,797,423 2,265,903 489,618 2,041,902
"(a) The figures include both real holidays and stays related to congresses, seminars, conferences and other professional purposes. Source: Statbel (Directorate-General Statistics - Statistics Belgium)"

Arrivals in 2023 per region and type of accommodation (a)

Region Belgium Flemish Region Walloon Region Brussels-Capital Region
Total (nace 55) 18,576,023 10,969,419 4,038,727 3,567,877
Hotels (nace 55.1) 11,434,833 5,957,299 2,064,306 3,413,228
Youth hostels (NACE 55.201) 1,591,530 1,150,374 324,583 116,573
Holiday centres and villages (NACE 55.202) 1,395,502 1,021,037 374,465 0
Holiday homes and appartments (NACE 55.203) 1,803,499 1,050,298 747,125 6,076
Guest rooms (NACE 55.204) 667,304 528,380 106,924 32,000
Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.209) 682,808 682,808 0 0
Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks (NACE 55.3) 1,000,547 579,223 421,324 0
"(a) The figures include both real holidays and stays related to congresses, seminars, conferences and other professional purposes. Source: Statbel (Directorate-General Statistics - Statistics Belgium)"
Overnight stays-accommodation

Overnight stays in 2023 by region and type of accommodation (a)

Region Belgium Flemish Region Walloon Region Brussels-Capital Region
Total (nace 55) 44,696,602 28,042,853 9,526,626 7,127,123
Hotels (nace 55.1) 20,642,447 10,462,347 3,356,501 6,823,599
Youth hostels (NACE 55.201) 4,563,410 3,488,140 856,713 218,557
Holiday centres and villages (NACE 55.202) 5,510,360 4,134,894 1,375,466 0
Holiday homes and appartments (NACE 55.203) 7,543,593 5,231,370 2,296,064 16,159
Guest rooms (NACE 55.204) 1,221,859 975,678 177,373 68,808
Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.209) 1,763,361 1,763,361 0 0
Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks (NACE 55.3) 3,451,572 1,987,063 1,464,509 0
"(a) The figures include both real holidays and stays related to congresses, seminars, conferences and other professional purposes. Source: Statbel (Directorate-General Statistics - Statistics Belgium)"

Purpose and brief description

The purpose of this survey is to measure the volume of domestic and inbound tourism, expressed in number of arrivals and overnight stays, by purpose of the trip and country of residence of the guest.


Accommodation establishments



Timing of publication

Results available 3 months after the reference period


Country of residence of the tourist: the country of residence is the country where the traveller has lived for most of the past 12 months.

Type of accommodation: the collective tourist accommodation establishments are divided according to the NACE code.

Number of arrivals: an arrival is defined as a person who arrives at a collective accommodation establishment and stays there at least one night. Arrivals are registered by country of residence of the guest and by purpose of the trip.

Number of overnight stays: An overnight stay is each night a guest spends or is registered in a collective accommodation establishment. Overnight stays are registered by country of residence of the guest and by purpose of the trip.

Purpose of the trip: there is only one main purpose for a trip, in the absence of which the trip would not have taken place. The Directive distinguishes two main reasons to travel:(i) business and professional; (ii) holidays, recreation and leisure. Holidays due to 'Visits to friends and relatives' should be included in point (ii).


The crisis caused by the COVID-19 has had a major impact on the horeca sector. Numerous measures have been taken to contain the spread of this virus.

Holiday parks and camping sites had to close from 3 November 2020 to 7 February 2021. Hotels and B&B could remain open, but bars and restaurants had to close. Meals had to be taken in the room.

As of 8 February, holiday parks and camping sites were allowed to reopen but their pools, common indoor areas and facilities such as restaurants and bars had to remain closed.

On 8 May 2021, outdoor cafés were allowed to reopen, and from 9 June 2021 horeca inside was also allowed.

Swimming pools were also allowed to reopen on 8 May 2021. In practice, this was not (yet) the case in holiday parks due to the 1.5 metre rule. Camps and school trips with overnight stays have not been allowed up to and including June 2021.

Indoor playgrounds, subtropical swimming pools and recreational parts of swimming pools had to close from 26 December 2021 to 27 January 2022. This had an impact on holiday parks. During this same period, only sports camps without overnight stays were authorised.
