
Table of Contents

    20 years of SILC

    20 years of SILC: an analysis of subjective poverty

    SILC, the survey on income and living conditions, celebrates in 2023 its 20th anniversary, excluding the pilot study of 2003. As part of this survey, about 6,000 households are surveyed annually based on a six-year rotating panel.

    Publication date: 13/03/2024


    The renewed Labour Force Survey (LFS) in 2021

    Why was the LFS renewed?
    What changes were made?
    What are the consequences of these innovations on employment, unemployment and working time?

    Publication date: 28/09/2023


    Towards a Modular Online Time Use Survey

    Software Outreach and Redefinition to Collect E-data through MOTUS (SOURCETM)

    Publication date: 16/03/2022


    Estimating ILO labour market transitions based on panel data from the Belgian Labour Force Survey

    Publication date: 27/09/2021

    Analyse_15_Household budget survey

    Change in the duration of the household budget survey: analysis of a transition to 15 days

    In this analysis, we examine the effect of changing the survey to 15 days, instead of a full month. To this end, after simulating the data for a 15-day period based on the 2014 and 2016 survey results, we analyse the impact of this change on the average consumption of households and on the breakdown of purchases by product category according to the European COICOP nomenclature. The first publication is available on our website.

    Publication date: 19/05/2021


    Multinational groups in Belgium

    The objective of this publication is to provide a more accurate picture of the geographical distribution of multinational business groups by focusing on their impact in Belgium, their location and their economic importance. This publication is the second part of the analyses of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, on multinational business groups in Belgium. The first publication is available on our website.

    Publication date: 02/02/2021

    10_Mobile Phone data

    Mobile phone data as a source for statistics on commuting patterns in Belgium: two statistical applications?

    Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, has been in touch since the end of 2015 with the three mobile network operators active in Belgium in its attempt to use mobile phone data as a source for public statistics. A significant result is a series of potential concrete applications for the compilation of statistics on commuting patterns based on mobile phone data.

    Publication date: 02/07/2020

    09_SILC Tijdelijk werk

    Who is in temporary employment?

    In this analysis, we examine the profile of employees with temporary work. Temporary workers have a temporary job, with or without a contract. This is the employment in the main job and we will limit our analysis to employees, i.e. excluding the self-employed.

    Publication date: 19/03/2020

    08_SILC Fiscal data

    Fiscal data in the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) survey: a path for the future?

    An exploratory study on the use of IPCAL and Belcotax for individual income variables

    Publication date: 20/02/2020


    The reformed Labour Force Survey in 2017

    This analysis delves deeper into the various components of the major reform of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) carried out by Statbel in 2017

    Publication date: 20/12/2018