A third of people over 74 have never been online

In 2024, the use of the internet by senior citizens (aged 75 to 89) was studied for the first time as part of the survey on ICT usage in households carried out by Statbel, the Belgian statistical office. This shows that 35% of people aged between 75 and 89 have never been on the internet. For 5% more, the last connection was more than three months ago.
This means that only 60% of 75-89-year-olds use the internet, compared to 96% of the population aged 16-74. And the difference between men and women is more marked among our elders: 69% of men aged 75-89 use the internet versus only 52% of women, while these rates vary between 97% of men and 95% of women in the rest of the population.
Online activities also vary. The use of the internet for banking transactions reaches 46%, and 34% of senior citizens make phone calls or video calls via the internet. 25% use instant messaging services and 19% social media, while 16% engage in e-commerce.
e-Commerce: number of users stable, but volume down
The share of the population aged 16-74 buying online remains stable at 66%. However, significant expenditure online are falling, with 11% of consumers having spent more than €1,000 in the last quarter, versus 14% the previous year.
Ecology and ICT: what do we do with our ICT devices when we are no longer using them?
When they reach the end of their life, 55% of old phones (smartphones or mobile phones) and 39% of tablets unused are stored at home. 18% of unused desktops, despite taking up much more space, remain somewhere in the house.
If we want to get rid of such a device, it usually ends up at the e-waste collection or recycling centre. Nevertheless, there has been a slight decline in environmentally-friendly waste collection. In 2022, only 12% of these devices ended up in ordinary waste, compared to 16% this year.
Connected objects become widespread
The adoption of connected devices has almost doubled in four years. The use of energy management applications has risen from 10% in 2020 to 18% in 2024, and home security devices from 12% to 17%. Virtual assistants are now used by 12% of households.
Purpose and brief description
This data collection from households and individuals aims to compile internationally comparable statistics from national indicators on the digital divide.
Moreover, the survey is subsidised by Eurostat, the European statistical office.
Field of research
The survey on ICT usage by households and individuals is coupled to the Labour Force Survey as a special ‘ICT and Internet’ module. A randomly selected person in the household answers all the questions, over both the situation of the household and his/her individual situation.
Data collection method and sample size
Data collection method
There are two data collection methods for the ICT survey among households and individuals since 2009: a web application and a paper form. When the LFS survey is completed, the interviewer selects among the household members on the basis of the birth dates who will have to answer the questions on ICT usage. The interviewer hands a paper form and a paid envelope over as well as a document with instructions and access codes for the web application. A reminder is sent to the households who didn’t answer within two or three weeks after the interviewer’s visit. Before 2009, the interviewer interviewed households orally following the LFS survey.
The sample of the ICT survey among households and individuals is coupled to the LFS survey. All households having taken part to the LFS survey are invited to answer the questions on ICT usage.
The response rate of the ICT survey is 67 % of the households who took part to the LFS survey. The response rate compared to the initial gross sample is 45 %.
The ICT survey is organised on a yearly basis.
Timing of publication
The data have to be sent to Eurostat by the beginning of October. The results are available for the general public by the end of the year.
Low-skilled people are people who have at best a lower secondary education diploma. Medium-skilled people have obtained an upper secondary education diploma, but no higher education diploma. High-skilled people have a higher education diploma.