Consumer credits amounted

Consumer credit - 2nd semester 2023

Consumer credit - 2nd semester 2023

In the second semester of 2023, the outstanding balance of consumer credit amounted to 28.2 billion euros.


2nd semester 2023

Approved lenders Number of contracts Credits granted during the semester Authorised overdraft
Instalment transactions Credit facilities Instalment transactions Credit facilities
TOTAL Instalment loans Instalment sales TOTAL Instalment loans Instalment sales
Credit institutions 127,952 127,078 874 44,157 2,130,699,752 2,127,206,980 3,492,772 543,363,258
Other institutions 167,448 158,806 8,642 68,076 2,432,228,259 2,371,846,032 60,382,227 150,737,298
Approved salesmen - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 295,400 285,884 9,516 112,233 4,562,928,011 4,499,053,012 63,874,999 694,100,556
Volume of debt

Volume of debt - 2nd semester 2023

Approved lenders Number of contracts in force Outstanding amounts
TOTAL Instalment transactions Credit facilities TOTAL Instalment transactions Credit facilities
Instalment loans Instalment sales Instalment loans Instalment sales
Credit institutions 4,346,062 883,114 8,094 3,454,854 15,497,005,988 12,155,208,225 19,296,074 3,322,501,689
Other institutions 2,368,061 1,013,133 41,496 1,313,432 12,691,088,508 11,169,575,259 501,253,400 1,020,259,849
Approved salesmen - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 6,714,123 1,896,247 49,590 4,768,286 28,188,094,496 23,324,783,484 520,549,474 4,342,761,538
Number of contracts concluded

Number of contracts concluded during the semester - 2nd semester 2023

  TOTAL ≤ 12 months 13 to 18 months 19 to 24 months 25 to 36 months 37 to 48 months 49 to 60 months 61 to 84 months > 84 months
less than 213.19 € 20 15 5            
from 213.19 to 495.79 € 794 553 241            
from 495.8 to 2.478.94 € 34,008 10,255 4,162 19,591          
from 2,478.95 to 3,718.41 € 20,784 2,186 1,558 7,593 9,447        
from 3.718,42 to 5.577,61 € 29,038 1,023 826 4,332 22,857        
from 5.577,62 to 7.436,81 € 18,110 281 258 1,505 5,283 10,783      
from 7.436,82 to 9.915,75 € 19,365 143 153 850 4,081 14,138      
from 9.915,76 to 14.873,62 € 46,949 245 144 965 5,563 13,592 26,440    
from 14.873,63 to 21.318,85 € 48,265 101 58 320 2,200 7,000 23,321 15,265  
from 21.318,86 to 37.184,03 € 46,962 82 38 201 1,018 4,219 16,880 13,711 10,813
more than 37,184.03 € 21,589 193 23 103 254 777 3,079 4,840 12,320
TOTAL 285,884 15,077 7,466 35,460 50,703 50,509 69,720 33,816 23,133
Nature of goods and services

2nd semester 2023

Nature of goods and services Number of contracts Value of the credit granted
TOTAL Credit institutions Other institutions Approved salesmen, including leasing TOTAL Credit institutions Other institutions Approved salesmen, including leasing
Motor vehicles, vans and motor homes
a) new 1,072 - 1,072 - 35,326,318 - 35,326,318 -
b) used 428 - 428 - 11,502,969 - 11,502,969 -
Caravans and mobile homes - - - - - - - -
Motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles 637 401 236 - 4,732,046 760,064 3,971,982 -
Textiles, furs, clothing - - - - - - - -
Books - - - - - - - -
Furniture, mattresses, furnishing textiles and rugs 1,137 - 1,137 - 1,635,521 - 1,635,521 -
Household and domestic heating appliances 1,215 - 1,215 - 1,287,482 - 1,287,482 -
Hifi, radio and television, audiovisual equipment 572 - 572 - 414,396 - 414,396 -
Hardware for domestic use 1,704 - 1,704 - 1,328,907 - 1,328,907 -
Provision of services (travels, repairs of motor vehicles, etc.) - - - - - - - -
Miscellanea 2,751 473 2,278 - 7,647,360 2,732,708 4,914,652 -
TOTAL 9,516 874 8,642 - 63,874,999 3,492,772 60,382,227 -
More figures

Aperçu général

Prêts à tempérament

Ventes à tempérament


Ouvertures de crédit


Purpose and brief description

Consumer credit” means credit for any other purpose than the purchase of a real estate. See: Law of 12 June 1991 on consumer credit.


Credit institutions, financial institutions and authorised salesmen


Every six months

Release calendar

Results available 5 months after the reference period
