VAT-registered enterprises

114,196 enterprises created in 2023

114,196 enterprises created in 2023

There were 1,169,062 VAT-registered enterprises in Belgium on 31 December 2023. This is what emerged from the new results of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office. This represents an annual growth of 2.2%. This increase is lower than that of the previous year, which was 4.5% in 2022.

The number of enterprise births amounted to 114,196 units, or 10.0% less than in 2022, while 88,537 enterprises ceased their activities, or 13.4% more than in 2022.

Professional, scientific and technical activities is the sector with the highest number of enterprises

Since 2017, the sector “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (Nace M) has been the sector with the highest number of enterprises in Belgium. There were 232,018 of them on 31/12/2023, or 3.5% more than a year earlier. This is also one of the sectors that saw the most births in 2023: 22,810 enterprise births and 14,814 de-registrations.

With 187,082 VAT-registered enterprises, “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles” (Nace G) is the second largest sector. There were 15,647 births and 16,804 de-registrations in this sector in 2023. As a result, the sector records a decline of 0.9% in 2023.

The third sector, “Construction” (Nace F), accounts for 160,910 enterprises. There were 16,345 births versus 13,126 de-registrations in this sector. This results in an annual growth of 2.2%.

Table 1

Number of start-ups of enterprises subject to VAT according to legal form and administrative geography, most recent year

be.STAT logoAccess to latest statistics

Table 2

Number of active enterprises subject to VAT according to employer class and location of the head office, most recent year

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Purpose and brief description

Number of VAT-registered units, deletions and active VAT-registered units since 2008, based on the business register DBRIS, per year, municipality or district (if the employment variable is present), economic activity (NACE-BEL), employment size class (2008 and seq.) and legal form.


VAT-registered units



Release calendar

Results available 9 months after the reference period


Legal form VAT: Legal form as defined according to VAT requirements (at all points in accordance with the Nomenclature Table LU_COM. TU_COM_LGL_PSN_VAT)

Economic activity (NACE-BEL); Official nomenclature with an "X" at the end of the number since the information is only available for 4 positions.

NIS employment size class: NIS employment size class as defined in the official NIS nomenclature table

Active VAT-registered units: The active VAT-registered units on 31/12 were obtained via the method used to calculate this population in the monthly cubes of the VAT-registered units.

The creation dates as recalculated for the monthly statistic are taken into account: in some cases, the validity date is replaced by a transaction date in the monthly statistic. This method is applied at the annual level in order to remain consistent with the number of active VAT-registered units at the end of the year : these numbers must be identical in the monthly and annual statistic.

Creations (births) of VAT-registered units: The creations (VAT registrations) include the entities which were registered for VAT on 31 December of the year observed, but not on 31 December of the year before. They may or may not be new VAT-registered enterprises.

From the links below, you can focus your research on the population of creations or deletions from VAT registers for one or several years.

While these monthly figures exhaustively record the events of the life of a VAT-registered unit (first registration, deletion, new registration, emigration or immigration), those provided annually for the years 2008 and seq. are based on a comparison of annual photos taken on 31 December of each year. It follows that, for a given year, the number of "creations" or "deletions" observed in the annual statistic will necessarily be lower than the sum of the creations and deletions recorded in the monthly statistic. Only the number of VAT-registered units on 31 December of each year corresponds between these two statistics: we compare the status of VAT-registered units on 31 December: the creations include the entities that are registered for VAT on 31 December of the year observed, while they did not have that status on 31 December of the year before.

Deletions of VAT-registered units: The deletions include entities that were not registered for VAT on 31 December of the year observed, but that were registered for VAT on 31 December of the year before.


Due to NACE quality improvement operations, the agriculture section has undergone some changes in 2021. This may lead to a break from this period.
