Release Schedule


55 bankruptcies in week 1 w-2025-01
The volume of sales decreases in trade and repair of motor vehicles and in wholesale trade - October 2024 m-2024-10
The volume of sales in services increased by 4.5% compared to the same period in 2023 - October 2024 m-2024-10
2% decrease in sales in retail trade excluding fuels - November 2024 m-2024-11
Building permits: September 2024 m-2024-09
1.6% increase in the agricultural output price index m-2024-11
13,874 new enterprises in October m-2024-10
Production in industry: November 2024 m-2024-11
8,490 births in November m-2024-11
5,140 changes of nationality in October m-2024-10
Total production in market-oriented sectors - October 2024 m-2024-10
159 bankruptcies in week 2 w-2025-02
Harmonised index of consumer prices - December 2024 m-2024-12
50 million litres of drinking milk produced in September m-2024-09
Indices of hours worked: third quarter 2024 t-2024-03
Indices of wages and salaries: third quarter 2024 t-2024-03
Production in construction: November 2024 m-2024-11
11,067 bankruptcies in 2024: mixed results at regional level m-2024-12
176 bankruptcies in week 3 w-2025-03
3,711,847 overnight stays in October 2024  m-2024-10
27,006,211 animals slaughtered in December 2024 m-2024-12
6,834 new enterprises in November m-2024-11
58% of the Belgian population lives in a 5-kilometre radius of a hospital y-2024
Mortality figures until 12 January w-2025-02
Deaths in 2024 in line with reference period y-2024
Circulatory diseases and tumours account for almost half of the deaths in 2022 y-2022
258 bankruptcies in week 4 w-2025-04
Nearly one Belgian in ten suffers from material and social deprivation y-2024
More than 2.1 million Belgians are at risk of poverty or social exclusion y-2024
Inflation amounts to 4.08% m-2025-01
Building permits: October 2024 m-2024-10
Hybrid and electric vehicles strengthen their position: 66% of sales in 2024 y-2024
Consumer credit - Publication postponed, date to be confirmed s-2024-01
January 2025: annual update of the consumer price index (CPI) with reference year 2013 = 100 y-2025
Mortality figures until 19 January w-2025-03
December 2024 : Output price index +0.7% m-2024-12


New interactive map: Explore inland navigation in Belgium 2023
Industrial turnover index: November 2024 m-2024-11
Feto-infant mortality concerned 888 births in 2022 y-2022
227 bankruptcies in week 5 w-2025-05
14.2% increase in sales in retail trade excluding fuels - December 2024 m-2024-12
The volume of sales decreases in trade and repair of motor vehicles and in wholesale trade - November 2024 m-2024-11
The volume of sales in services decreases by 0.5% compared to the same period in 2023 - November 2024 m-2024-11
Mortality figures until 26 January w-2025-04
Total production in market-oriented sectors - November 2024 m-2024-11
Agricultural prices m-2024-12
Production indices in industry m-2024-12
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-06
Births m-2024-12 + 2024 prov
Changes of nationality m-2024-11
Bankruptcies on a monthly basis m-2025-01
Mortality figures until 2 February w-2025-05
Dairy production m-2024-10
Production indices in construction m-2024-12
Survey on holidays and travels t-2024-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-07
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-01
Tourist accommodations m-2024-11
Mortality figures until 9 February w-2025-06
Animal slaughtering statistics m-2025-01
Animal slaughtering statistics y-2024
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2024-12
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-08
Index of Employees & persons employed t-2024-04
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-02
Labor cost index t-2024-04
Building permits m-2024-11
Mortality figures until 16 February w-2025-07
Output price index (industry) m-2025-01


Turnover index Industry – Prodcom m-2024-12
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-09
Retail trade indices m-2025-01
Sea Transport t-2024-03
Inland water transport t-2024-03
Wholesale turnover m-2024-12
Turnover index for the services sector according to VAT returns m-2024-12
Gender Pay Gap y-2023
Mortality figures until 23 February w-2025-08
Turnover and investment according to VAT declarations t-2024-04
Job Vacancy t-2024-04
Agricultural prices m-2025-01
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-10
Changes of nationality m-2024-12
Births m-2025-01
Production indices in industry m-2025-01
Employment, unemployment, labour market structure t-2024-04
Dairy production m-2024-11
Producer price indices for construction t-2024-04
Mortality figures until 2 March w-2025-09
Bankruptcies on a monthly basis m-2025-02
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-02
Production indices in construction m-2025-01
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-11
Tourist accommodations m-2024-12
Monitoring of living conditions t-2024-04
Service price indices t-2024-04
Animal slaughtering statistics m-2025-02
Mortality figures until 9 March w-2025-10
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-01
Transitions on the labour market y-2024
Employment, unemployment, labour market structure y-2024
House price index t-2024-04
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-12
Part-time employment y-2024
Second job y-2024
Occupations in Belgium y-2024
Level of education y-2024
NEET y-2024
Early school leavers y-2024
Lifelong learning y-2024
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-03
Mortality figures until 16 March w-2025-11
Output price index (industry) m-2025-02


Indices of Hours Worked t-2024-04
Building permits m-2024-12
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-13
Retail trade indices m-2025-02
Wholesale turnover m-2025-01
Turnover index for the services sector according to VAT returns m-2025-01
Mortality figures until 23 March w-2025-12
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-14
Agricultural prices m-2025-02
Births m-2025-02
Mortality figures until 30 March w-2025-13
Production indices in industry m-2025-02
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-15
Dairy production m-2024-12
Production indices in construction m-2025-02
Economic accounts for agriculture y-2024 2nd estimates
Mortality figures until 6 April w-2025-14
Bankruptcies on a monthly basis m-2025-03
Tourist accommodations m-2025-01
Animal slaughtering statistics m-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-16
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-02
Mortality figures until 13 April w-2025-15
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-04
Building permits m-2025-01
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-17
Real Estate y-2024
Mortality figures until 20 April w-2025-16


Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-18
Wholesale turnover m-2025-02
Turnover index for the services sector according to VAT returns m-2025-02
Mortality figures until 27 April w-2025-17
Births m-2025-03
Production indices in industry m-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-19
Dairy production m-2025-01
Agricultural prices m-2025-03
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-04
Mortality figures until 4 May w-2025-18
Bankruptcies on a monthly basis m-2025-04
Real Estate t-2025-01
Production indices in construction m-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-20
Tourist accommodations m-2025-02
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-03
Mortality figures until 11 May w-2025-19
Index of Employees & persons employed t-2025-01
Labor cost index t-2025-01
Dairy production y-2024
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-05
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-21
Mortality figures until 18 May w-2025-20


Building permits m-2025-02
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-22
Birth rate and fertility y-2024
Inland water transport t-2024-04
Mortality figures until 25 May w-2025-21
Employment, unemployment, labour market structure t-2025-01
Agricultural prices m-2025-04
Job Vacancy t-2025-01
Structure of the Population y-2025
Population movement y-2024
Production indices in industry m-2025-04
Births Y-2024
Transitions on the labour market t-2025-01
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-23
Population according to origin y-2025
Sea Transport y-2024
Producer price indices for construction t-2025-01
Mortality figures until 1 June w-2025-22
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-05
Dairy production m-2025-02
Tourist accommodations y-2024
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-24
Road accidents and casualties y-2024
Production indices in construction m-2025-04
Births m-2025-04
Marriages y-2024
Widowhood y-2024
Divorces y-2024
Declarations of legal cohabitation y-2024
Tourist accommodations m-2025-03
Service price indices t-2025-01
Mortality figures until 8 June w-2025-23
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-04
Monitoring of living conditions t-2025-01
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-25
House price index t-2025-01
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-06
Mortality figures until 15 June w-2025-24


Building permits m-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-26
Mortality figures until 22 June w-2025-25
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-27
Agricultural prices m-2025-05
Mortality figures until 29 June w-2025-26
Births m-2025-05
Production indices in industry m-2025-05
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-06
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-28
Production indices in construction m-2025-05
Dairy production m-2025-03
Mortality figures until 6 July w-2025-27
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-05
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-29
Mortality figures until 13 July w-2025-28
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-07
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-30
Building permits m-2025-04


Mortality figures until 20 July w-2025-29
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-31
Mortality figures until 27 July w-2025-30
Agricultural prices m-2025-06
Lactation of cows y-2024
Births m-2025-06
Dairy production m-2025-04
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-32
Production indices in industry m-2025-06
Mortality figures until 3 August w-2025-31
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-07
Production indices in construction m-2025-06
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-33
Mortality figures until 10 August w-2025-32
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-06
Index of Employees & persons employed t-2025-02
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-34
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-08
Labor cost index t-2025-02
Mortality figures until 17 August w-2025-33


Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-35
Building permits m-2025-05
Mortality figures until 24 August w-2025-34
Transitions on the labour market t-2025-02
Employment, unemployment, labour market structure t-2025-02
Agricultural prices m-2025-07
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-36
Job Vacancy t-2025-02
Mortality figures until 31 August w-2025-35
Production indices in industry m-2025-07
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-08
Producer price indices for construction t-2025-02
Dairy production m-2025-05
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-37
Births m-2025-07
Service price indices t-2025-02
Mortality figures until 7 September w-2025-36
Tourist accommodations m-2025-06
Monitoring of living conditions t-2025-02
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-07
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-38
House price index t-2025-02
Real Estate t-2025-02
Mortality figures until 14 September w-2025-37
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-09
Building permits m-2025-06


Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-39
Mortality figures until 21 September w-2025-38
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-40
Agricultural prices m-2025-08
Mortality figures until 28 September w-2025-39
Births m-2025-08
Production indices in industry m-2025-08
Dairy production m-2025-06
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-41
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-09
Mortality figures until 5 October w-2025-40
Production indices in construction m-2025-08
Economic accounts for agriculture y-2024
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-42
Tourist accommodations m-2025-07
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-08
Mortality figures until 12 October w-2025-41
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-43
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-10
Building permits m-2025-07
Mortality figures until 19 October w-2025-42


Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-44
Mortality figures until 26 October w-2025-43
Agricultural prices m-2025-09
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-45
Production indices in industry m-2025-09
Mortality figures until 2 November w-2025-44
Dairy production m-2025-07
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-10
Production indices in construction m-2025-09
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-46
Births m-2025-09
Tourist accommodations m-2025-08
Mortality figures until 9 November w-2025-45
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-09
Index of Employees & persons employed t-2025-03
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-47
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-11
Population density y-2025
Mortality figures until 16 November w-2025-46


Building permits m-2025-08
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-48
Mortality figures until 23 November w-2025-47
Agricultural prices m-2025-10
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-49
Transitions on the labour market t-2025-03
Job Vacancy t-2025-03
Employment, unemployment, labour market structure t-2025-03
Births m-2025-10
Economic accounts for agriculture y-2025 1st estimates
Mortality figures until 30 November w-2025-48
Production indices in industry m-2025-10
Tourist accommodations m-2025-09
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices m-2025-11
Producer price indices for construction t-2025-03
Dairy production m-2025-08
Bankruptcies on a weekly basis w-2025-50
Production indices in construction m-2025-10
Real Estate t-2025-03
Monitoring of living conditions t-2025-03
Service price indices t-2025-03
Mortality figures until 7 December w-2025-49
Consumer Price Index - Health Index m-2025-12
House price index t-2025-03
Statistics on the number of VAT units (monthly) m-2025-10