As the Belgian statistical office, Statbel wants to meet the information needs not only of the public authorities, but also of citizens, enterprises, researchers and journalists, by providing them with continuously updated data and statistics on our country’s situation.
As we have seen during the recent crises in our country, informed political decisions must be based on objective and high-quality data, public statistics and scientific research. Data on health, demography, economy, labour market, social indicators such as the risk of poverty or the consumption behaviour of the Belgians, ... have played an essential role and will remain crucial in the years to come.
These Key figures, in the form of graphs, maps and tables, give a clear overview of the statistics of Statbel and what is going on in Belgium, in the regions and in the municipalities.
Of course, this paper publication is a snapshot at a specific moment in time. Of course, you can always visit our website to find the latest figures on each theme. Statbel.be provides you with new statistical results daily in different types of publishing, from simple statistical tables to interactive dashboards and open data. We also keep you informed of all the interesting figures and results we publish on our social media and in our weekly newsletter.
I wish you an exciting discovery of our country in figures!