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Agriculture & fishery
51.1 million litres of milk were produced in August 2021. The major part of it (28.9 million litres, or 56.5%) was semi-skimmed milk. Whole milk accounted for 36.6% of the...
Statbel has updated its provisional mortality figures until 5 December 2021*. We have been able to refine our publication on mortality per day in Belgium and we publish now data...
In 2019, there were just over 2.487 so-called high-growth enterprises in the sector of manufacturing and market services[1]. A high-growth enterprise is an enterprise with more than 10 employees and...
The sector of manufacturing and market services[1] had in 2019 187,832 enterprises employing at least one employee. These enterprises employed on average 13.0 employees, i.e. a total of 2,438,848 employees...
The sector of manufacturing and market services[1] had in 2019 699,084 enterprises*, of which 187,832 had at least one employee. These enterprises employed on average 13.0 employees, i.e. a total...
The provisional results for the monthly indicators based on the Labour Force Survey of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, show an increase in both employment and unemployment rates. The employment...
In November 2021, 676 bankruptcies were registered by the business courts. This is a 1.8% increase compared to October. Since September 2021, Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, publishes a new...
Economic indicators
In October 2021, the seasonally adjusted production index in the construction sector reflected an increase of 0.2% compared to September 2021. The calendar adjusted production index reflected an increase of...
During the week from 6 to 12 December included (week 49), the business courts pronounced 178 bankruptcies, resulting in a total of 321 job losses. The figures for week 49...
Consumer prices
Belgium's inflation rate based on the European harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) was running at 7.1% in November compared to 5.4% in October. Core inflation (inflation without energy and...