Total production in market-oriented sectors - October 2024

Statbel publishes for the first time national data on the total production of market sectors, aligned with the European TMPI (Total Monthly Production Index) framework, which already existed for European and eurozone aggregates. These results now extend to the participating countries, including back data from 2021 onwards.
The total production in market-oriented sectors shows a decrease of 1.0% in October 2024 compared to October 2023
Compared to one year ago, the production increases in service sector (+3.3%) and in construction (+0.4%), but decreases in industry (-5.8%) and in trade (-2.5%).
Compared to the previous month (September 2024), the production increases in service sector (+2.0%), in trade (+1.5%) and in construction (+0.9%), but decreases in industry (-4.9%).
The results for September 2024 and October 2024 are provisional.
The official production indices cover four different statistics, each monitoring a separate branch of the economy. Statbel currently publishes separate production indices for:
- Industry (NACE sections B-D);
- Construction (NACE section F);
- Trade (NACE section G);
- Services (NACE sections H, I, J, L, M and N).
The total production index in market-oriented sectors represents the weighted average of the four sub-indices above. Value added acts as a weight here.
The total production index in market-oriented sectors is calculated monthly and will be available 65 days after the end of the reference month. Those interested in only one individual sector should visit the relevant web page. Indeed, the publication of each individual sub-index takes place before the calculation of total production.