Statbel Academy is the learning platform of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office. Do you teach statistics and want to better understand and teach official statistics? Then you are at the right place. Statbel Academy is for primary, secondary and higher education in Belgium.
Projects and products
- Statbel Junior
- YouTube channel “Statbel Academy”
- The European Statistics Competition
- European Master in official statistics (EMOS)
- Key figures and key figures on agriculture
- Datasets to work with
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Statbel Academy
Statbel Academy
With the start of the new school year, Statbel is launching the Statbel Academy website. There is an abundance of readily available data from countless sources. Recognizing official data in the mass of information and having a basic understanding of statistics is essential in a rapidly evolving world. With Statbel Academy, Statbel is reaching out to education and aims to support teachers in their approach by offering various projects and products.