
Statbel Academy

Are you as teacher not quite sure whether the European Statistics Competition would be something for your students? Do you wonder how everything will go? How much time you would need to supervise your students? What exactly we will ask? How another teacher, who participated before, experienced the competition? We are happy to answer all your questions in a short webinar.

These are the dates:

  • In Dutch: Wednesday 27 October 2021 from 13:30 to 14:30.

Watch the recording of the Webinare here:

  • In French: Thursday 18 November 2021 from 12:30 to 13:30.

Watch the recording of the Webinare here:

We will record the webinar, so if you can't be there, you can watch it later on this page.

Do you still have questions afterwards? You can also contact us directly at statolympiade@economie.fgov.be