Schools and senior care facilities within 5 km

Schools and senior care facilities within 5 km

In Belgium, 99.9 % of the population lives within 5 km of a primary school. In fact, only 53 municipalities out of 581 do not have their entire population within this radius. The population of Vresse-sur-Semois is worse-off, as less than half of its inhabitants (43.9 %) have a primary school within 5 km. If we extend this radius to 10 km, only 3 municipalities are not entirely served: Viroinval, Raeren and Waimes.

A secondary school within 5 km from home is a reality for 88.6 % of Belgians: 91.2 % of Flemish people, 80.1 % of Walloon people and all the inhabitants of Brussels.

Finally, 97.5 % of the Belgian population lives within 5 km from a senior care facility: 99.1 % of Flemish people, 93.6 % of Walloon people and all the inhabitants of Brussels.

Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, publishes statistics based on new geographical breakdowns, making it possible to identify the population living at a defined distance from a point. This can be a hospital, a train station, the border, a motorway or a motorway entrance.

Data used:


This concerns 6411 school locations in Belgium, based on recognised educational establishments [ordinary basic education (pre-primary and primary education) and ordinary secondary education] in Flanders, Brussels, Wallonia and the German-speaking Community.

Senior care facilities

This concerns 1538 senior care facilities in Belgium, based on rest homes and nursing homes of the Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid Vlaanderen, Wallonia AVIQ: familles santé handicap, Brussels Iriscare and Ostbelgien Live: Wohn- und Pflegezentren für Senioren.