Gender pay gap amounts to 5.8 % in 2019

Work & training
Gender pay gap amounts to 5.8 % in 2019

Women earn on average 5.8 % less per hour than men.

According to calculation of the harmonised European gender pay gap for the year 2019 published by Statbel, the Belgian statistical office.

And yet, Belgium performs better than most of the other European countries in terms of hourly wage equality between women and men.

The average pay gap at European level is 14.1 %. Only Luxembourg (1.3 %), Romania (3.3 %) and Italy (4.7 %) have better results than Belgium.

Since 2010, the pay gap in Belgium decreased from 10.2 % to 5.8 % For the EU average, the decrease was smaller: from 15.8 % in 2010 to 14.1 % in 2019.

These are the evolutions in the top 10 countries with the lowest pay gap

   2010 %  2019 %
1 Slovenia 0.9 Luxembourg 1.3
2 Poland 4.5 Romania 3.3
3 Italy 5.3 Italy 4.7
4 Croatia 5.7 Belgium 5.8
5 Malta 7.2 Slovenia 7.9
6 Luxembourg 8.7 Poland 8.5
7 Romania 8.8 Croatia 10.1
8 Belgium 10.2 Hungary 10.6
9 Lithuania 11.9 Malta 11.5
10 Portugal 12.8 Sweden 11.6