3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Work & training
3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities

In Belgium, 8% of the population aged between 15 and 64 is severely limited in its daily activities because of a disability or long-standing health problems. This limitation is slightly more prevalent among women. This is what emerged from the figures of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, based on the Labour Force Survey of 2020.

Older people are over-represented among the severely limited: 56% of them are aged 50 to 64 while they account for only 31% of the total population studied.

As far as education is concerned, severely limited persons have on average a lower level of education. 44% of them have at most a diploma of lower secondary education and only 17% of them have a higher education diploma, while these rates amount to 24% and 37% respectively in the total population aged 15-64.


When people are severely hampered in their activities by a disability, a long-standing illness or condition, this has a clear impact on their work situation: only 26% of them have a job compared to 65% of the total population aged 15 to 64.

Their unemployment rate (7.3%) is higher than that of the total population (5.6%). However, the large majority (72%) of people severely hampered are inactive. This means that they do not have a job, are not looking for a job and/or are not available for work.

Situation on the labour market

15-64 years Severely hampered Total population
Unemployment rate 7.3% 5.6%
Employment rate 26.0% 64.8%
Percentage of inactive 71.9% 31.4%

Digital divide

Digitally, too, there are differences between the total population and people who are severely limited in their daily activities because of a disability, illness or long-standing health problems. So, while 6% of the population aged 16-64 has no access to the Internet at home, this rate is three times higher for people with severe limitations. The same observation applies to Internet use: Only 81% of severely limited people have been on the Internet in the last three months compared to 95% of the total population.

The activities carried out online also differ. People with severe activity limitations surf the Internet significantly less than the total population for leisure activities but slightly more for health-related activities.

Internet activities (2020)

Percentage of inhabitants in Belgium aged 16 to 64 who have used the Internet in the last three months

  Severely hampered people Total population Difference (in percentage points)
Using instant messaging services 63% 74% -11
Listening to or downloading music 51% 61% -10
Watching online television (direct connection or not) from a television channel 24% 38% -15
Watching online videos on demand from commercial services (e.g. Netflix) 25% 41% -17
Watching online videos from video sharing services (e.g. YouTube) 53% 67% -14
Seeking health-related information (e.g. diseases, injuries, diet, health improvement) 62% 56% +5
Consulting the personal medical file 19% 13% +6
Consulting other health services via a website or app instead of going to the doctor or hospital (e.g. by getting a prescription or consultation online). 20% 15% +5
Source: ICT survey among households - 2020

Poverty on top of disability

The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2020[1] onderaan

also contains figures for people aged 16 and over who report severe limitations in their daily activities due to a disability, long-standing condition or illness. 25% of them are at risk of monetary poverty.


9% suffer from severe material deprivation. Finally, 39% of them live in a household that does not own their home, whereas this is the case for only 26% of the Belgian population.

SILC 2020

Population aged 16 and over

Monetary poverty Severely hampered 16 and over Total population 16 and over
At risk of monetary poverty 25% 13%
Not at risk of monetary poverty 75% 87%
Severe material deprivation Severely hampered 16 and over Total population 16 and over
Severe material deprivation 9% 3%
No severe material deprivation 91% 97%
Owner or tenant Severely hampered 16 and over Total population 16 and over
Owner 61% 74%
Tenant 39% 26%

[1] * Impact of the COVID-19 situation on the results of SILC 2020