Evolution of the mortality rate in Belgium
Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, publishes on this page the provisional mortality figures in Belgium for 2023, in combination with the official mortality figures previously published for 2017-2022. The figures are available per day, age group, sex and region. With these charts, Statbel wants to complement Sciensano's figures (
Both sets of figures are based on the National Register, but do not relate to exactly the same extractions, so minor differences are possible.
With these charts, Statbel wants to provide additional answers to frequently asked questions about mortality and excess mortality. Data and image can be downloaded by chart. Open data on mortality figures for the period 2009-2023 are available on This publication was produced in consultation with Sciensano.
Statbel also takes part in a European project about mortality figures with Eurostat and the statistical offices within the European Statistical System.