What can you expect?
Test of knowledge, competences & creative skills
The European Statistics Competition tests different skills. The Statistics Competition tests the theoretical knowledge of your students, but also their research and creative skills. All tests are done online or remotely.
There will be a competition and an award ceremony at Belgian and European level.
You can find a brief overview of the planning on this page. Do you want this in a concrete calendar form? Then download our calendar here in PDF or Excel .
In order to have a better understanding of the assignments, you can have a look at the sample assignments of the previous editions.
- October-December: you can register one or more teams of students. It is the accompanying teacher who arranges the registration. You can only enrol students from the third grade of secondary education. Teams are composed of 1 to 3 students and one supervising teacher as mentor. Every teacher can be a mentor: the subject you teach is irrelevant. The number of teams for which you act as a mentor is also not limited. You accompany the students during each test, but you do not make the assignments in their place.
- January: your students complete an online elimination test on their knowledge of statistical concepts. They also have to show that they can find statistical information in some publications. They are given about three weeks for this test (they can save it and continue later). In this test, we mainly assess knowledge of statistical concepts, analytical skills and the competences to look up information.
- February-March: the teams that passed the first test get the chance to produce a video on a predetermined theme. In this test, we assess the competences to communicate statistics and the creativity when making the video.
- First half of April: a team of statisticians performs a first filtering of all videos: is the content statistically correct? Are the sources correct? How did the team get to work? After that filtering, a maximum of 30 videos remain to compete for the public choice award and the jury award.
- Second half of April: the remaining videos will be assessed by the general public using a voting form. At the same time, the jury is also looking at all the videos. From both votes, a top three with a clear winner emerges. In case of equal votes, the points of the first test will also be taken into account.
- End of April: award ceremony in Brussels. The videos of the winner of the public choice award and the national jury award will be submitted to the European round.
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