Industrial production

The value of industrial production amounts to 196 billion in 2023

The value of industrial production amounts to 196 billion in 2023

The total value of the Belgian industrial production according to the PRODCOM statistic has decreased from 216 billion euros in 2022 to 196 billion euros in 2023, i.e. a 9% decrease on annual basis.

In 2023, the largest total value was registered by the manufacture of food products. Chemical products and basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations complete the top 3 largest industrial sectors.

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The results in the tables below are the values of production according to the main activity of the local units. These values of the production include the values of own account deliveries, the values of industrial processes and services and the values of contract work abroad.


More figures ...

The provisional annual results for 2019 will be sent to Eurostat at T+6.
Before this deadline, the results may be subject to several revisions.
They will then be recalculated at T+12 and be considered as final at T+24.
The same revision policy is applied for the previous years.
So, the results for 2017 have been recalculated and are from now on (T+24) considered as final.
The results for 2018, that are recalculated at T+12, are still provisional results.

Purpose and brief description

Prodcom is the monthly survey on industrial production. Cooperation among the EU countries seeks to improve the comparability of statistical data. The Statistical Office of the European Union has therefore taken the initiative to collect data on industrial production in all Member States with the same product list, in the same sectors, etc. This initiative was named “Prodcom”: “PRODucts of the European COMmunity”.


Industrial enterprises



Timing of publication

Results available 2 months after the reference period



The Prodcom list.xls
