Final balance of the EU2020 Strategy

Work & training
Final balance of the EU2020 Strategy 'Employment' and 'Education and Training’

In 2010, the EU2020 Strategy was defined by the European heads of government. The EU2020 Strategy, which builds on the Lisbon Strategy (2000-2010), aims to increase employment, productivity and social cohesion.In order to achieve these objectives, a number of key targets were set in 2010, to be achieved by 2020. Two of the five key targets, namely “employment” and “education and training”, and the associated sub-targets, are monitored at European and national level based on the results of the Labour Force Surveys of Statbel, the Belgian statistical office.

The results of 2020 are now available and we are drawing up a final balance sheet.


EU2020 indicators (serie 2000-2020