11,514 Russians and 5,624 Ukrainians live in Belgium

11,514 Russians and 5,624 Ukrainians live in Belgium

There are 11,514 Russians and 5,624 Ukrainians living in our country.

They represent 1.1% and 0.6% respectively of all non-Belgians with a European nationality.

Among the Russians, 59.3% are women and among the Ukrainians, 67.4%.

Slightly more than half of the Russians and the Ukrainians live in Flanders, of which respectively 18.2% and 17.9% live in the province of Antwerp.

Almost one third of the Ukrainian community lives in the Brussels-Capital Region.



  Russia Ukraine
Flemish Region 56.5% 52.3%
Walloon Region 27.1% 16.8%
Brussels-Capital Region 16.4% 30.9%

Methodological explanation

Official figures from Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, situation on 1 January 2021, published on 21 June 2021. The data come from the National Register. The official population figures do not take into account the Waiting Register, which includes people with an ongoing asylum application. Moreover, people with dual nationality (one is Russian or Ukrainian and the other Belgian) are counted as Belgians.